Young Minds

As I have said before, I love my job! Last night was a night that made me think to myself once again how much I enjoy what I do.

In my middle school boys small group we were discussing the story of Joseph. I read the part of the story, found in Genesis 37:2-11. It is the section in which Joseph angers his brothers and father by sharing with them the dreams he had been having. Dreams that suggested that someday they would all bow down to him.

I then asked if they remembered the rest of the story and could recount it for us. One of the guys quickly spoke up and shared how Joseph was then taken by his brothers, who then staged his death (eaten by a lion), and then thrown into a well, in which he then floated downstream in the underground river to Egypt where he was sold into slavery.

That isn't quite the way my Bible tells the story but it sure made for a good one! Are there underground rivers that flow from wells? Love it!

I am so thankful for the responsibility God has given me to disciple these guys. I am also reminded of the seriousness of leading young people in Jesus' strong words found in Matthew 18:5-6. As well as the words of James, "Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly." James 3:1

May I always be found worthy and responsible.


Aaron Geist said...

Amen to that one!

Brian Vinson said...

Some of the retellings of Bible stories are CLASSIC!

Of course, when it came to the story of Joseph, it seemed like that was the default lesson of my childhood, so I could tell it backwards and forwards. I grew to hate Joseph for the conceited way he dealt with his brothers and I didn't blame them for selling him to slave traders!

I suppose that says more about me than I'm wiling to admit...

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