Dang! Benny's looking great! Did he have as great a time on that merry go round as Jonathan did? Jonathan liked it until he started watching how the mechanism worked, and then he wanted off!!
Thanks for stopping by. My name is Brian Eberly. I am a husband, a father, and a pastor. I am the husband of my beautiful wife Robin, and am the father of two wonderful kids ... Brittnie, and Benjamin. I also have the privilege of being a pastor at Foothills Community Church.
Life is truly a ride. Sometimes you just have to slow down a bit to reflect on it. That is what I do here. I hope you enjoy what you see. Please feel free to leave a comment. I welcome your feedback. In addition to leaving a comment regarding a post you have read, you may also email me by clicking here.
Dang! Benny's looking great! Did he have as great a time on that merry go round as Jonathan did? Jonathan liked it until he started watching how the mechanism worked, and then he wanted off!!
Hooray for SoCal! Benny doesn't even look terrified of Snoopy. Looks like you had a great time.
I'm so glad you had a great time.
Love Snott's!
Very Jealous, but happy for you!
Can't wait to hear more.
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