As you know, this blog has been quite quiet for a few weeks. This has been a season of life and ministry like none other I have ever experienced. Consequently I have just not had enough brain bytes left to post to my blog. The dust is finally beginning to settle, and that is all about to change!
I am excited about the days ahead.
Today I leave for the weekend for our annual Fall Retreat at Camp Tadmor. Along with all the fun that always takes place we will be focusing on making Jesus Lord of every area of our lives. Pray with us that God moves in the the hearts of both students and staff alike. Follow the weekend's happenings on Twitter, and watch for a follow up post here.Next week (Oct. 10-13) I will be in Sacramento at the National Youth Workers Convention. Always a great to be with thousands of other people that understand you, and and what you do. Kind of a summer camp for youth workers. This year I have the privilege of being one of four live bloggers at the convention. Be sure to check in here to see our live reports from the event. Of course I will be posting here as well.
I've also got a lot of thoughts whirling around in my head about family ministry that I hope to post real soon.
Stay tuned!
I was hoping it was just the busy Fall!!
Bring on the family ministry stuff. This has been something I too, after my trip to Bolivia, have been reflecting on as a key to prevention issues among children at risk. Look forward to reading. Enjoy yourself in SF.
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