See You At The Pole

In two weeks "See You At The Pole" will take place. SYATP a student led prayer movement that began 17 years ago with a handful of students in Texas, has now become a movement that has swept across our country and even around the world. On September 26, thousands will gather around their school flag poles an hour before school to pray. It is always an awesome site to see students boldly standing before their peers to seek the God they love. Two years ago I wrote about my experience with the event. Read it here

There are mixed feelings on the event. There are some who no longer support it because of how commercialized it has become. I agree with the sentiment but am not ready to throw it out. It is always a sad thing when a great movement of God becomes institutionalized. What was once the vision of a small gathering of students has now become an organization with offices, salaries, and expensive merchandise. While disheartening on one hand, I suppose the same can be said about the Church. I'm certainly not ready to throw out the Church.

As I see it, any time we can encourage students to gather and it! I really appreciate the theme of this year's SYATP. Gather. Unite. Pray. Come Together. John 17:20-23. I believe it brings God great pleasure and honor to see his children coming together to seek Him and pray. It is something the world sees far too little of. We are good at airing out differences for the world to see, but lack in coming together as one Church. Let the Church pray!

May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. John 17:23.


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