HT: Jessica Hagy
... enjoying the ride.
Yesterday our student ministry kicked off our annual 30 Hour Famine. It is our desire as our church to fulfill the words of 1 John 2:6, "Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did." As we look at the life of Jesus we see over and over His heart for the poor. All through out the gospels we see Jesus showing compassion for the poor and imploring people to give to the poor. It is our desire to do likewise. One of those ways is through the 30 Hour Famine.
The 30 Hour Famine is a World Vision sponsored effort that will take place February 23-24. We as a ministry will go hungry for 30 hours to experience hunger, albeit in a very small way. We will also be seeking the Lord together to discover how we might continue ministering to the needs of the worlds poorest people. As the weekend approaches each participant will be collecting pledges that will all go to support the ongoing efforts of World Vision as they to meet the needs of those living in situations of poverty. Last year we were able to collect over four thousand dollars. This year we hope to raise even more.
Would you consider playing a role in our effort? One dollar will feed and care for a child for one day. Thirty dollars will feed a child for an entire month, and $360 for an entire year. Any amount will help and will be greatly appreciated. Please contact me here if you would be interested in supporting this very important effort. All gifts are tax deductible.
Click here to read about our 30 Hour Famine last year.
Each year our church has an annual celebration of what God has done over the last year. We call it Primetime. It's a time of reflection and celebration of what God has done, as well as a look ahead at what the coming year may hold.
I was asked this year to make a media presentation that captures 2006. This coming Sunday, we celebrate!
The video is about 12 minutes long, so grab yourself a cup of coffee and make yourself comfortable.
So last week the weather man forcasted, all kinds of doom and gloom, or as Mark and Dave put it, Winter Apocalypse 2007. Guess what? Not much happened. This week they have been saying that we might get a light rain snow mix turning to all rain on Tuesday. Boy were they wrong!
On Sunday I spoke on Standing in Awe of God and used Ecclesiastes 5 as my text.
My favorite parts are ....
"Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few" (5:2) and "...Therefore stand in awe of God." (5:7b )
Yesterday we took our students up the mountain to go snowboarding, skiing, and tubing. When we got up there, I stood in awe! The mountain was stunning!See all the pictures our day on the mountain here.
Remember Randy from "A Christmas Story"?
Well meet Benny from the "It's Really Cold In Oregon" story!
It's quite cold here this week, but it's not stopping us from having a good time!
Click here to see some of the most amazing pictures in the universe; taken from the Hubble Telescope.
We have a very big God; a very creative God!
God of wonders
Beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe
Declares your majesty
You are holy, holy
-Marc Byrd
Today I took our staff through the Real. Life. Exhibit at Northwest Medical Teams. At the end of the exhibit I was struck with this quote...
Pray as if everything depends on God. Work as if everything depends on you.
- Saint Augustine
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