The Power of Giving

Found this in Relevant Magazine.

If Christians had given the traditional 10 percent tithe of their income to their churches in 2004, instead of the 2.56 percent that they actually gave, there would have been an additional $164 billion available, according to a report released in October called "The State of Church Giving through 2004." If the churches chose to funnel just $70-$80 billion of that additional income to missions and humanitarian works, the basic needs of every person on the globe would be provided.


muzik said...


Gigi said...

Where please in Relevant I would like to share with some people with whom we are discussing alot of this very same stuff...thanks

Brian Eberly said...


The quote is on page 30 in the November/December issue. It is in the Slices column and is just a stand alone quote. It's not from a larger article.

Anonymous said...

That amount, 60-80 billion, is like double what Warren Buffet just gave to the Gates Foundation. Only his gift will be carefully, thoughtfully distributed over the next several decades.

If we Christians would loosen our pocketbooks as suggested in the Relevant article, that 60-80 billion would be available immediately. And then next year there would be another 60-80 billion. And the year after that, and the year after that...

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