Our famine has come and gone but the change continues. Our 30 Hour Famine weekend was incredible. Many thanks to all of you that prayed, as well as to those that gave financially. The money is still coming in, but to date we have raised roughly $5,300! That is enough to feed 15 children for an entire year. I couldn't be more proud of my students!
Here are some of the highlights....
Portland area rally. Once again I had the privilege of emceeing the rally this year. There were 41 churches represented with about 700 in attendance. It was a great time worship, laughs, and challenge.Serving at Northwest Children's Outreach. NCO is a ministry that takes in clothing, baby supplies, toys, and books, to distribute to different agencies in our area that are committed to ministering to the needs of the poor. KATU our local ABC affiliate even came and did a story on our service with them. If I am able, I will post the video.
The Longest Line. We played a couple of fun games, but my favorite was the fun, yet thought provoking game called The Longest Line. After dividing the students into four teams, we had them lay all the possessions on their person, along with one other item of theirs, end to end to see which team could create the longest line. Once the lines were created we then changed the game to a third world version of the game.
The students were then told things like...
• 25% of people in developing countries cannot read. Remove library cards, books, and other reading materials from their lines.
•100 million primary-school-aged children aren’t able to attend school. Remove school ID cards and school books.
• More than 1.1 billion people still do not have access to a safe water supply. Remove water bottles.
• Nearly half of the world’s population lives on less than $2 per day. Remove any item valued over $2
The lines got very small and made a stark impression of the reality of how most in the world live.
To break the fast we enjoyed a great burrito bar. Man was it a welcomed end to our time together. We were filled up with good food, but even more filled up with all the great things God accomplished in and through us. See more of our pictures here.
Great job.Great pics. I'm really glad it went so well. It looks like your students had a great time and a great challenge. Keep shaping their worldview!
hey Brian, nice to meet you, I'm a youth and worship pastor in Florida. Found your blog from Dan Browne's (good friend of mine) looking forward to reading yours in the future
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