Today's the day. I'm off to the National Youth Workers Convention in 30 minutes. Have a great weekend. I'm sure I will!
See you on Monday.
... enjoying the ride.
Today's the day. I'm off to the National Youth Workers Convention in 30 minutes. Have a great weekend. I'm sure I will!
See you on Monday.
Sometimes you need a little chocolate....sometimes a lot!
This painting was done by Robert C. Jackson, member, and former pastor at Cedar Ridge Community Church in Spencerville, Maryland. See more of his work here.
Carpe Diem. Live life to the full. Don't just settle for "one chocolate bar."
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" - Jesus
Only two more days! In just two days I and my partner and friend, Aaron Geist, leave for the National Youth Workers Convention in Sacramento, California. For the last 15 years of my youth ministry carreer I have wanted to attend this great convention. For one reason or another I have never been able to. This year I go!
We will be there Friday through Monday, and will be hearing from speakers and artists like: Doug Fields, Louie Giglio, Alise Barrymore, Mark Yaconelli, Steve Fitzhugh, and Sue Thomas, David Crowder, Chris Tomlin, Third Day, Steven Curtis Chapman, Kutless, Thousand Foot Crutch, Starfield, 4th Avenue Jones, Underoath, Hawk Nelson, and Sarah Kelly.
Along with the General Sessions there will be great seminars ranging in topics from: Professional Skills, Leadership, Culture, Middle School, Rookie, Volunteer, and Emergent. Under each of those topics there are 5 to 7 specific seminars to choose from.
It is our prayer that we come away from the convention refreshed, renewed, challenged, and further equipped to do the ministry God has entrusted to us.
Please join us in that prayer.
Helmet Report
Well yesterday was Benny's first helmet check-in appointment.
We had been noticing for the last few days a little spot on his forehead where his helmet was rubbing his skin a little raw, and the doctor ended up being more concerned about that, and solving that problem, then measuring his head to chart any progress. So he altered the helmet a little bit and told us to keep it off for a day to let the little spot heal, and scheduled our next appointment for October 14.
All that to say, he didn't even check for any progess. I guess it really is pretty early on, but hey... we're eager to see how well it is working, and I guess are hoping to hear, "it looks like it might not take as long as we had origianally thought."
So Benny got a break from his helmet yesterday. It goes back on today, but hey, at least he is now supporting a worthy and good cause with it....
Fifteen Minutes of Fame?
Well not me...but possibly our house!
As I was standing there watering my lawn this evening a Location Scout from the Oregon Film and Video Office pulled up, looked at several houses on our street, and approached me to let me know that they are looking for a house like ours to shoot a commercial for Discover Card, and that she wanted to take a few pictures.
After more discussion, questions, and viewing and receiving proper documentation, etc. I said, sure!
She then told me that our house was now one of 20 in the Sherwood area that they are considering and that they should let us know by tomorrow night if chosen! Stay tuned!
Coming to a TV near you?
Guest Map
I've just added a Guest Map to my blog. It's a new twist on the standard Guest Book. Please feel free to leave your thoughts, and comments on the interactive world map!
You'll find my Guest Map right above the site counter on the bottom right side of my blog.
An Unstoppable Force
My title borrows from the title of a fabulous book by the same name, "An Unstoppable Force" by Erwin McManus. A book dealing with the church, and when lived out in a biblical way, truly is a force that is unstoppable.
This title comes to mind as I think of my message to my middle school students yesterday. My message came from of Acts 12.
Let me summarize it for you.
•King Herod is on a big ego trip and wants to please the jews so he goes on a Christian killing rampage.
•King Herod imprisons Peter, I'm sure with the intent to put him to death as well.
•The Church prays earnestly for Peter.
•God busts Peter out of jail.
•Peter appears to the church, much to their surprise.
•King Herod is ticked off, and has his guards killed.
•King Herod continues in his ego trip and refuses to give God credit and glory.
•King Herod is struck down by God, eaten by worms, and dies.
And then....Acts 12:24, "But the word of God continued to increase and spread." Yes!
When God's people are seeking Him, trusting Him, and abiding in Him, even admidst trying times, the word of God will continue to march on!
God is the unstoppable force and we are the force that He desires to use.
Helmet Pt. 2We are now on day 6 of our new helmet experience and my little man is doing a great job! He is wearing it 23 hours a day, and gets about two 30 minute breaks a day. It doesn't seem to bother him at all. Thank you Lord! It is definitely harder on Mom and Dad than it is on him.
Here is a picture of his head before he got his helmet. You can see how evident the flat spot on his head is.
Even after only 6 days of wearing the helmet we think we have noticed a little progress!
He sees the doctor on Monday, we're anxious to hear what he sees and thinks. I'll let you know!
Today is the first day of fall, meaning...summer is over! September 22 is always kind of a sad day for me. I love summer! I miss it already!
It was a great summer. A busy summer. As a family we enjoyed a wonderful week in San Clemente, CA, and a great week in Sunriver, OR. Can't get enough of that sunshine! They were both great times with family.
Ministry was also very good this summer. 180 Student Ministries enjoyed our annual Summer Celebrations (one at the beginning of the summer, and one at the end), trip to Wild Waves, Pool Parties, fun in the park, and of course our Mexico Outreach. Our week in Mexico was without a doubt our best ministry time in Mexico ever. We had the opportunity to build a house, participate in a breakfast program and run a clothing distribution ministry. Very rewarding.Summer is over, and fall is before us. I'm looking forward to this fall! The change is refreshing and I welcome it. I am excited to see all that God has in store for us as we begin this new season.
The writer of Ecclesiastes says,
"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,"
Ecclesiastes 3:1-3
With this new season before us, let's seize every opportunty to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. Let's make the most of our time. I know I plan to!
"Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is." Ephesians 5:15-17
“Call to Me, and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”-Jeremiah 33:33
This was this year's theme verse for the annual See You At The Pole event. What a great morning it was!
I traveled to 6 area schools to pray with my students, and as always it is an awesome thing to see hundreds of students on their own initiative, gather to pray, sing, and fellowship around their school's flag pole an hour before school starts. Tonight we conclude the day with a large rally to celebrate what God did around the flag poles this morning.
Last year more than 2 million students gathered around their flag poles in all 50 states. Internationally, reports came in from countries on six continents, including Congo, Bahamas, Germany, Ghana, Guam, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, and South Africa. Wow! It gets bigger each year!
We can all learn from this event. If only all of God's people lived out their faith in such a bold manner. If only all of us were committed to taking a stand in front of our peers, and if only all of us had a greater committment to prayer. Think what this world would be like!
If we call to Him....He will answer. (Jeremiah 33:3)
See See You At The Pole for more information on this great movement.
For all the "profound" bloggers of this world...
"Every fresh and original thought you think you have – somebody smarter a long time ago in Europe said it.”
- Rob Bell
We received two letters the other day from our Compassion Child, Blanca Reyna Mejia Rosa, in Honduras. Unfortunately due to the closure of the Compassion Project that she was involved in our sponsorship has had to come to an end. See my September 12 entry.
Apparently the pastor that ran the project decided that it was "no longer a blessing" for him to run. Compassion also learned of some accounting discrepancies within the project. How sad.
Our enemy, the devil, is in the practice of taking what is good and turning it into something that is not. Thankfully we have a God that is bigger than that. I love Genesis 50:20, and the prinicple/truth we can take from it. It reads, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." What Joseph's brothers meant for harm, God turned into great good. I pray that good would come from Blanca losing her sponsorship.
Please pray for Blanca. She is 15 years old and has been a tremedous blessing to our family for the two years that we were able to sponsor her. She sent us many letters, various crafts that she made, and prayed regularily for our family.
We pray that she would continue to walk in her faith in Jesus.
Lately I have had the Chris Tomlin song, "The Wonderful Cross" resonating in my head.
It goes..
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of Glory died
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride
See from his head, his hands, his feet
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
Did ever such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown
O the wonderful cross, O the wonderful cross
Bids me come and die and find that I may truly live
O the wonderful cross, O the wonderful cross
All who gather here by grace draw near and bless
Your name
Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were an offering far too small
Love so amazing, so divine
Demands my soul, my life, my all
Following Jesus is not an occasional act. It is a 24/7 lifestyle. A lifestyle that "demands my soul, my life, my all."
Lord show me how to truly die to myself, so that I might truly live for you!
Saddly, it was only a matter of time before we saw something like this?
How much redemptive value do think this church will gain from this message?
A much more Kingdom minded, redemptive response...
"Harvest Baptist Church, in Hooksett, N.H., with roughly 110 members, gave $10,000 for disaster relief from money they were saving to build a new church to replace their renovated storefront. "It doesn't belong in a(bank) CD. It belongs in Louisiana," said the Rev. Ken Robertson, pastor of Harvest Baptist."
- Anne Saunders, Associated Press
Meet Lizbeth Merced Martinez Alvarez. Lizbeth is the newest member of the Eberly family. Unfortunately our sponsorship with Blanca Rosa, a little girl in Honduras, had to come to an end due to the closing of the Compassion Project that she was a part of. We were sad to see her go, but are happy about beginning a new relationship with Lizbeth.
Lizbeth lives in Mexico, is 5 years old, and was born on June 24, 2000. In her home, Lizbeth helps by running errands. She lives with her father and her mother. Her father is sometimes employed as a farmer and her mother maintains the home. There are 4 children in the family.
Lizbeth is not presently attending school. Playing with dolls is her favorite activity. She also attends church activities and Bible class regularly.
What a wonderful opportunity it is to be a blessing to a needy person such as Lizbeth. Perhaps you may consider sponsoring a child as well.
Compassion International is a fantastic ministry that I have been actively involved with for over twenty years. I invite you to visit Compassion International to learn how you to may be a blessing to a very special needy child as well.
I love the song, "Joyful" by David Crowder. We sang it today at church with our students.
It goes...
Make a joyful noise to the Lord
All the earth
Make a joyful noise to the Lord
All the earth [2x]
The flowers of the field
Are cry'n to be heard
The trees of the forest
Are singing
And all of the mountains
With one voice
Are joining the chorus of this world
And I will not be silent
I will not be quiet anymore [2x]
Running through the forest
Dive into the lake
Bare feet on beaches white
Standing in the canyon
Painted hills around
The wind against my skin
Every ocean
Every sea
Every river
Every stream
Every mountain
Every tree
Every blade of grass will sing
I love the imagery in the song. I love the imagry of God's creation, the flowers of the field, the trees of the forest, and the mountains praising the Lord. I too am God's can I stay silent?
"Running through the forest
Dive into the lake
Bare feet on beaches white
Standing in the canyon
Painted hills around
The wind against my skin"
My favorite way to worship my God.....enjoying His beautiful creation.
How could I possibly be silent? I will not!
Have you ever jumped into an icy cold river? Well I have...and loved it! We spent the week of August 26 - September 1 in Sunriver, Oregon. What a great time with family in a beautiful place. Of course jumping in and swimming in the cold Deschutes River is all part of the fun!
This has become an annual trip, and one we hope to continue.
Oh, that's me in the wet suit!
Why. The question many are hopelessly mulling as they try to get their minds around why God would allow such a disaster in the magnitude of Hurricane Katrina.
Many feel that Katrina was an act of God's holiness. An act of God pouring out His wrath upon a crooked and perverse people.
While I am not one to judge God's intentions, I believe Katrina certainly may have been a display of God's holiness and judgement. I do not feel, that I can make such a statement though, because I really do not know what God's intentions were/are with Katrina.
How dare we judge New Orleans as some have. While I agree they are a corrupt society, I believe we must first look at the log in our own eye. Why was Portland spared? Why was San Francisco spared, LA, Las Vegas, the entire nation? Some in pointing their fingers at New Orleans have boldly and confidently quoted the scriptures, "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God", and "There is none righteous, no not one." It is because of scriptures such as these, that I am slow to pick on just one locality, New Orleans. "All have sinned."
We all deserve Katrina.
Are we to assume that all natural disasters, big and small, are God's wrath being poured out on the earth? When is it God's wrath, when is it just nature being nature?
I also wonder, if we believe that Katrina was in fact God's judgement upon a corrupt people, then are we wrong to come to the aid of the people? Is that in essence getting in the way of what God is trying to accomplish?
I do know that God calls us, His church, to meet the needs of those that are afflicted with suffering. I think if we are to error, we need to error on the side of being a compassionate and loving people....not judgemental.
As we look at what has happened in the Gulf states, let's continue to live committed lives of Loving God and Loving OTHERS to God.
Why do we say the things we do? All too often we speak before we think. I know for me this has got me in trouble more times than I care to think about!
It is interesting to me that as it says in James, with our mouths (tongues) we can praise or Father in heaven, and almost in the same breath use our words to inflict great damage, either on a person or even the work of God.
I received the following from a good friend of mine who has been a missionary in Venezuala for a number of years. It is heartbreaking.....
"As many of you know and heard about this past month, a famous televangelist, Pat Robertson of the Christian Broadcasting Network made a public announcement stating that the U.S. should assassinate President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela. While he did apologize for parts of his statement, his misspoken error has brought the spotlight onto missionaries in Venezuela. The Venezuelan government has temporarily suspended missionary visas into Venezuela. This affects many people trying to get into Venezuela as missionaries and may possibly have even deeper consequences for the missionary engagement within this country. Pray for the missionaries in Venezuela and for those associated with U.S. missions. “Out of the same mouth proceed blessings and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so” (James 3:10)."
Let us watch what we say. The words of this Christian man inflicted great damage to the cause of Christ, especially in Venezuala. Pray for those who are called to minister to the people of Venezuala, that God would provide a way for them to do so.
Pray also that we as God's children would be careful how we use our tongues.
Let's use them for His glory!
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