
As I mentioned in a post last Wednesday, our services on Sunday were centered around the REAL.LIFE. Exhibit that a large number of people from our community went through on Saturday. It was also centered around the 30 Hour Famine that many of our students participated in that weekend.

The theme of the morning was, Don't Waste Your Life...Do Something. It was a great morning of sharing as a community all the different things that God had shown us and then a practical look at how we as a church can respond, in light of what we had seen and experienced. There is something very cool about hearing from the collective voice of a body in a worship service as opposed to only one. God had much to say. Please feel free to listen in.

To hear the services click here or to hear the Podcast on iTunes you may click here. On the recording we combined the sharing from both services. In addition to the sharing, you will also hear from myself, Pastor Steve McCracken and Pastor Jon Knapp.


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