Thanks Living

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” - U.S. President John F. Kennedy

May our giving of thanks be more than words and thoughts, but may it translate into our everyday lives. May our lives be living testaments to the great things God has done, and continues to do. May we be overflowing with thankfulness.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7


Kingdom Coming

You ready for more free music? Shaun Groves is offering it up! Shaun Groves is offering a free download of his song "Kingdom Coming" with the hope that it will inspire and challenge people to sponsor a child through Compassion International.

Til the sword is spared
And the bread is shared
‘Til the dying’s done
Let your kingdom come
‘Til the rich ones give
And the poor ones live
‘Til the weak are strong
Let your kingdom come

Shaun Groves, "Kingdom Coming"

Faith Of A Child

This morning as Robin and Benny were having devotions together, she asked him what he would like to pray about. He said, "Bugs and spiders and beetles." When asked what specifically he wanted to pray about them, he replied, "To pray that they would fly way, way, way up high into the trees and stay there."

She then asked him what else he wanted to pray about and he said, "There are people who don't have any lights to turn off, or blinds on their windows, or a house to live in, or chocolate chips to eat, they really need chocolate chips to eat."

He gets it! If only the rest of us would.

Turkey 'N Thanks

Last Saturday night our middle school ministry enjoyed our annual Turkey 'N Thanks event, or TNT, as we have affectionately come to know it.

It was a night of fabulous feasting on an incredible Thanksgiving style meal. We ate ourselves silly, and it was wonderful! TNT is a formal event which means everyone comes dressed in their finest. It's always fun because how often do you get bunch of middle schoolers to don skirts, and ties? Not very often! They really do clean up quite nice!

The theme of the night was summed up in Colossians 2:6-7, So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Through out the night we enjoyed great fellowship around tables, a time of worship, and a brief message all centered around the idea of overflowing with thankfulness. Truly a great night of worship!

See all the pictures of the night here.

Since everyone was dressed to the nines we thought we'd throw formal portraits into the mix as well. Got some great shots! Check them out here.

My favorite shot would have to be the one of the staff.

True middle school workers!

Birthday Party Jesus Style

I have been a long time fan of Tony Campolo. He is a man that speaks truth, and lives it. Truly a prophet of our day. At the National Youth Workers Convention last month God spoke through him, in ways that one rarely witnesses. I laugh as I tell people I was spat upon by him, as I sat in the front row of one of the seminars he led.

He tells many stories, but my favorite is the birthday party he threw for a prostitute at 3:30 in the morning. A picture of what the Church should look like.

Letter from Compassion Child

Our family just received a wonderful letter from Lizbeth, the little girl we sponsor through Compassion International. Lizbeth lives just outside the Mexican city of Toluca, where the average family income is only $142 per month. We have enjoyed so much the relationship we have with her. Even, Benny our 3 year old, prays for her each time he prays.

This particular letter blessed me more than most. She writes...

Mr. Brian Eberly,

Hello godfather, I feel very happy to send greetings for you and your family. I had my summer vacation for a month and a half. I helped mom at home doing some chores and putting up all my stuff. I am attending third grade now and I am excited to learn many new things. I also attended Summer Bible School at the project and learned many scriptures by heart. I feel very happy to have a family like you, it does not matter that you are far away, what matters is that we love each other and that we have Christ in our hearts. I will always pray for you and your family. So long and may God bless you richly.

Please pray for all my family. Thank you for your nice letter, and for your support given to me.


Per usual, I think we come away feeling as blessed as she does. How incredible!

Want to make a big difference in the life of a very special, needy child? Click on one of the Compassion boxes in the sidebar of this blog to learn how.

Perspective on Election Outcome

John Piper nails it with his thoughts on having a proper perspective on the election outcome. I could not agree more.

May we remember where our citizenship lies.

If "our candidate" does not get elected, may our perspective and response be Kingdom centered. May we remember that God has placed our leaders in their positions of authority (Romans 13:1). And may we live out the gospel of love, grace, and peace, and pray that God would use us, and our leaders, to bring about the Kingdom peace we all desire.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14


What is it to you?

May it be about Jesus.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1

HT to Gman for video

Compassion Bloggers to the Dominican Republic

This week, November 2-7, Compassion International is with six bloggers in the Dominican Republic. The give first hand exposure to the ministry of Compassion there, to tell the stories that unfold, and inspire the nearly 1 million readers to sponsor a child.

As an official Compassion Blogger myself, let me encourage you to follow their week long journey at Let their stories touch your life, and if you don't already, allow God to move in your heart to sponsor one of the children they meet.