"...Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," (Matthew 28:19) is a truth that is central to what we are all about in 180 Student Ministries. It is our desire to live our lives on mission. To live lives that lead to others toward becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.Today I leave with 9 others from our middle school ministry for a week long localized mission trip. We will be living on the campus of George Fox University in Newberg Oregon and participating in the Student Life Mission Camp. Each day we will be partnering with Love INC to serve the needy in Newberg. Most of our time will be spent showing the love of Christ to elderly folks and single moms, that are in need of assistance around their homes; yard work, cleaning, etc. Pray with us that as we serve, Christ will both be clearly seen and heard.
Our high school ministry is also on a mission trip this week. They left on July 29 for 11 days in Ensenada, Mexico. It was hard for me to see them go as it is the first time I have not gone with them in many years. They have been having a great time of ministry over this last week, building both a home for a needy family, and relationships with the people in the community in which they are living. Check out the updates Aaron Geist has been posting on the trip at his blog aarongeist.com. To learn more about their trip you may visit our Mexico Outreach web site.
What a privilege it is to be used of God in the building of His Kingdom. May it extend far beyond just a trip.
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