To night in my fair town of Sherwood was an awesome display of the Church doing what it ought. "Sounds of Hope" took place. "Sounds of Hope" was a free benefit concert for AIDS orphans sponsored by a network of churches in our city committed to reaching our city as well as the world...together.They brought in Bryan Duncan & The Neosoul Band and they rocked the park! It was a great night of music with an even greater purpose. The goal was to raise personal awareness about the 15 million AIDS orphans and to raise $15,000 and 50 child sponsorships for World Vision.
It was such a great display of the faith community of Sherwood standing together to make a difference; the very thing the world needs to see more of.
I'm with you Brian, it seems that many churches within a community lack the ability to get together and do things either inside, or outside their denomination. I'm finding that in our area, which is small and rural. I think it stems from a lack of fear. They don't see the common cause, that we are in it together and NOT to steal members. They want it to be their church so they can retain or gain membership. That's what it's all about right? Membership?
Brian Duncan??? Wow that's a name I haven't heard since Magic Mountain Hallelujah Jubilee nights in the early eighties...hehee.
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