Consumer Worship

In speaking on the importance of worship, one of my college profs once said something that has always stuck with me.  He said, "In America we worship our play and play at our worship."  A sad, and yet fairly accurate assessment of the view of worship in the American Church.

We have done a good job of reducing worship down to something we consume as opposed to a lifestyle we live.  Worship is more than a quick weekly fix on a Sunday morning.  It is even more than a daily time alone with God.  It was Jesus that instructed us to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind" (Luke 10:27).  Not something done on the fly!

May we remember, it is not about us.  It is about the Person of our worship, the One that deserves our full and continual attention and adoration.  May the words of the Psalmist ring true in our lives.

Not to us, LORD, not to us
   but to your name be the glory,
   because of your love and faithfulness. 
Psalm 115:1


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