Turkey 'N Thanks

Last Saturday night our middle school ministry enjoyed our annual Turkey 'N Thanks event, or TNT, as we have affectionately come to know it.

It was a night of fabulous feasting on an incredible Thanksgiving style meal. We ate ourselves silly, and it was wonderful! TNT is a formal event which means everyone comes dressed in their finest. It's always fun because how often do you get bunch of middle schoolers to don skirts, and ties? Not very often! They really do clean up quite nice!

The theme of the night was summed up in Colossians 2:6-7, So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Through out the night we enjoyed great fellowship around tables, a time of worship, and a brief message all centered around the idea of overflowing with thankfulness. Truly a great night of worship!

See all the pictures of the night here.

Since everyone was dressed to the nines we thought we'd throw formal portraits into the mix as well. Got some great shots! Check them out here.

My favorite shot would have to be the one of the staff.

True middle school workers!


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