Giving Thanks

Today is a snow day.  In Oregon snow days are God's way of saying, slow down.  Every once in awhile like in 2008 it is God's way of saying stop!  As one that tends to live a fairly fast paced life, this is at times very difficult for me.  But it is good.  It is good for me to slow down a bit and appreciate being still and enjoy the beauty of the season.  That is what I am doing today.

As Thanksgiving approaches I find myself thinking about how this holiday is much like snow day.  Thanksgiving is a day set aside to slow down and focus on the things we are called to be focused upon each and every day.

I appreciated Pastor Dale's message on Sunday.  It was a good reminder that being thankful is a choice.  We are to choose the path of thankfulness every day; even when we may naturally resist it.  What does this really look like?  What does it look like to live out the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:1, "give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus?"  We were encouraged to put into practice five statements to God to help us in this journey of thankfulness, and to discover the power that comes with the heart of a thankful person.

  • Lord, I choose to be thankful today because it is Your will and the path of blessing.
  • Lord, I choose to be thankful today for who You are and what You have done.
  • Lord, I choose to be thankful today despite any painful or unpleasant circumstances.
  • Lord, I choose to reject any despairing, critical, or complaining attitude today from taking control of my mind and emotions.
  • Lord, I ask You for the strength and courage to live this way today in order to become a more thankful person.

I have much to be thankful for this year.

  • I am thankful for the amazing family God has blessed me with.  A wife that loves and support me, and two kids that I am privileged to parent. 
  • I am thankful for the many opportunities He has brought my way to love people in a way that He is seen and glorified.  
  • I am thankful for the church family He has graciously allowed me to be a part of and serve alongside.  
  • I am thankful for the ups and downs of this year,  the times of not knowing what was around the next corner, as they afforded me the opportunity to experience faith in a brand new way.
I am also thankful for humor.  Have a blessed Thanksgiving!